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Event details

Date: 09. December

Schedule: 6:30 pm EST

Event type: Online

Organizer: Philadelphia Chapter

Join us on Monday, December 9, at 6:30 p.m. for the fourth session of The Jefa Guide for Job Seekers. This series of five virtual sessions started on Monday, October 28, and will end on Monday, December 16.

Our guest speaker on December 9th will be Joe Robus (Director, Technical Recruitment @ Comcast). His session will be on resume building and interviewing at Comcast.

What you will learn:

There is no “perfect resume,” but there are ways to remain authentic and highlight your various experiences… we will walk through a few creative ways on how to do that.

The Jefa Guide for Job Seekers: There is No Perfect Resume

09. December / 6:30 pm EST

Event finished