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Session 2 | The Millonaria Mindset: The Millonaria Magic

02. April / 6:00 pm PDT
Price: Free

Event details

Date: 02. April

Schedule: 6:00 pm PDT

Event type: Online

Session 2 | The Millonaria Mindset: The Millonaria Magic

Part 2: The Millonaria Magic Investing Secrets for Jefas Led by Rocio van Nierop, CEO & Co-Founder of Latinas in Tech and a Financial Advisor from Morgan Stanley, in this 45-minute conversation participants will discover the power of investing and learn practical strategies to grow their financial portfolios. From stocks and bonds to real estate and entrepreneurship. They will understand equity with empanadas, the secrets of trading through tacos and the sweetness of cajeta compounding. Followed by three (3) 30-minute Q&A breakout sessions to discuss specific money topics.

Apr 2, 2024 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Session 2 | The Millonaria Mindset: The Millonaria Magic

02. April / 6:00 pm PDT

Event finished