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Event details

Date: 20. April

Schedule: 4:00 pm PDT

Event type: Online

Sponsor: Expedia Group

Join us for an hour, full of insightful workshops, provided by experts at Expedia Group! During our hour, you’ll meet esteemed LEAD (Latinx at EG & Allies for professional Development) members and representatives from our talent acquisition team. Attendees will have the option to join 3 (30 Minute) workshops, all geared towards providing you with effective resources and tools in support of your career advancement. Join us for skill based trainings, learn conceptual information on how to effectively build a personal brand, receive live feedback, and receive tools on preparing for your upcoming interview.

Let LEAD (Latinx at EG & Allies for Professional Development) Elevate Your Career: Mastering Interview Prep, Resume Building, and Personal Branding Workshop

20. April / 4:00 pm PDT

Event finished