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Latinas in Tech NYC February Meditate and Mingle

22. February / 7:30 pm EST

Price: Free

Event details

Date: 22. February

Schedule: 7:30 pm EST

Event type: In-Person

Organizer: New York City Chapter

Location: Riverdale, NY

Join us for our Monthly Meditate and Mingle series for the month of February, featuring Criss Cuervo, a Mindfulness Leadership Consultant for Latinas in Tech.

Criss is hosting a FREE in-person session on Wednesday, February 22 from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm EST. The event will be held in Riverdale, NY (Bronx).

Please bring your yoga mats, and come in comfortable clothing. We recommend that you get there 15 min prior to the event to get yourself situated. Light, healthy snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Registration is limited to the first 10 people who RSVP. Please RSVP via the link on this page. Registration will close one day prior to the event. Registered participants will obtain the address information a day before the event via email, so please make sure you include your correct email address. If you have any questions, please email us at newyork@latinasintech.org.

Latinas in Tech NYC February Meditate and Mingle

22. February / 7:30 pm EST

Event finished