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Event details

Date: 17. September

Schedule: 9:00 am EDT

Event type: Online

Organizer: New York City Chapter

Latinas in Tech in NYC is excited to invite you to a free Mobile Apps Development #Workshop sponsored by Equals – The Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age (EQUALS Global Partnership), GSMA Mobile for Development (GSMA), ITU, and Verizon.
>>When: Saturday, September 17th, starting from 9 AM to 1 PM
>>Cost: Free
>>Where: This event is hybrid. You can join us virtually or in person on Columbia’s University campus. In-person spots are limited!
Are you interested in joining us? Register here: https://equals-hds.kune4u.com/new-york/

[Hybrid] EQUALs Her Digital Skills Workshop

17. September / 9:00 am EDT

Event finished