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Cafe con LiT

23. March / 10:30 am EDT

Ticket: Event finished

Event details

Date: 23. March

Schedule: 10:30 am EDT

Event type: In-Person

Organizer: Atlanta Chapter

Location: 2002 Summit Blvd Suite 150, Brookhaven-GA

Hello Great Atlanta!

We are excited to announce our first Cafe con LiT, a special weekend morning event for our community. It’s an opportunity to network with other Latinas in Tech in a relaxed and informal setting, and share experiences and insights to support each other’s professional growth. We’ll celebrate the achievements of our community and make meaningful connections.

Beverages and food are not included. The Coffee House is generously opening its space exclusively for LiT ATL on that day. Please save your appetite and join us for brunch with a great coffee, fantastic breakfast sandwiches, and pastries freshly made for our event.

We hope to see you there!

Cafe con LiT

23. March / 10:30 am EDT

Event finished